HEIMATLAND FILM 2015 - Facebook
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It is autumn and getting colder in Switzerland. Suddenly an inexplicable and frightening cloud is over the country. Its origin is a mystery to the experts, who merely state that it is growing continuously, and its unloading is only a matter of time. It is still calm outside, but the cloud hangs over the country like the sword of Damocles.

HEIMATLAND uses this state of widespread uncertainty for a current snapshot of Switzerland: ten young film auteurs from the French and German-speaking parts shine a light on people, mentalities, and social environments in one of the world’s wealthiest countries and weave these personal episodes into one large, joint story. 

The people react very differently to the impending storm: some ignore it, others barricade themselves, and yet others again celebrate the end of the world. But the storm is also a uniting force: it exposes authentic needs, fears and hopes, and step by step reveals the consequences of political and societal isolation of the country. 

HEIMATLAND is neither neutral nor democratic or representative – it is a subjective, self-critical snapshot from the point of view of a new generation of Swiss filmmakers.

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